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Enable Static Resources Cache Control in Spring Boot with Nextjs

Enable Static Resources Cache Control in Spring Boot with Nextjs


In web development, optimizing performance is crucial for providing a seamless user experience. One aspect of optimization involves managing the caching of static resources. If you're using Next.js for your frontend and Spring Boot for your backend, you can leverage Spring Boot's configuration to control the caching behavior of Next.js static resources. In this article, we'll explore how adding spring.web.resources.cache.cachecontrol.max-age=365d can solve Next.js static resource cache control problems.

Understanding Cache Control

Cache control is a mechanism that allows developers to specify how browsers and other intermediaries should cache responses. It involves setting directives in the HTTP headers to instruct the client on how long it can cache a particular resource before making a new request to the server.

The Problem with Next.js Static Resources

Next.js, a popular React framework, generates static resources that need proper cache control to ensure efficient loading and performance. Without adequate cache control, users may experience slower load times, as the browser might unnecessarily re-fetch resources that haven't changed.

The Solution

By integrating Spring Boot's cache control configuration, we can effectively manage how Next.js static resources are cached. The key configuration parameter here is spring.web.resources.cache.cachecontrol.max-age=365d. This parameter sets the maximum age for which a resource is considered fresh, allowing clients to cache the resource for up to 365 days.

Implementation Steps

  1. Update Spring Boot Configuration: Open your Spring Boot application's application.properties or application.yml file and add the following line:

  2. Rebuild and Deploy: Rebuild and redeploy your Spring Boot application. This updated configuration will now be effective in controlling the cache behavior for Next.js static resources.

  3. Verify Cache Control Headers: Use browser developer tools or external tools like curl to inspect the HTTP headers for your Next.js static resources. You should see the Cache-Control header with the max-age directive set to 365 days.


  • Improved Performance: By setting a longer cache duration, repeated requests for static resources are minimized, resulting in faster load times for users.
  • Reduced Server Load: With proper caching, the server receives fewer requests for unchanged resources, reducing server load and optimizing resource utilization.


Integrating Spring Boot's cache control configuration with Next.js enhances the performance of your web application by effectively managing the caching of static resources. By setting a maximum age of 365 days, you strike a balance between optimal performance and ensuring that clients receive fresh resources when needed. Take advantage of this simple configuration to boost your web application's efficiency and provide a better user experience.

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